Australia To Ban Old Fashion Light Bulbs

ban the bulb

Australian Environment Minister Malcom Turnbull announced on Tuesday that Australia plans on phasing out the incandescent light bulb. They are to be replaced with more energy efficient compact Fluorescent bulbs. This legislation could reduce australia’s green house gas emissions by 4 million tonnes and home electric bills by up to 66 percent by 2012

They are not alone.

Australia is not the only place looking to replace them with fluorescent lighting, which is more efficient and longer lasting.

Last month, a California assemblyman announced he would propose a bill to ban the use of incandescent bulbs in his state. And a New Jersey lawmaker has called for the state to switch to fluorescent lighting in government buildings within three years.

I wonder if there is a typo in this report as they claim

I applaud the removal of old fashion technology for more energy efficient ones. Conservation is the strong left hook in the one two punch to stop global warming. It is however important to remember that CFL’s have mercury in them, and that they need to be recycled. Along with banning old school bulbs, governments need to educate the public to this hazard and provide recycling programs. CFL’s often last 3-5 years, meaning that the average consumer would rarely have to recycle a bulb, but they need to know that when the time comes and their light gives up the ghost that its to the recycling center, and not the dump that it goes.

from Lightfoot.

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