Renewable Energy Roundup

Because I was on a small island that had no electricity, I missed last weeks Renewable Energy Roundup. Checking my backlog of links to look over I realize that it grown to a very very large list. With that in mind this roundup is going to be a MEGA ROUNDUP (said in the same voice as a monster truck show radio commercial)!

Lets start with a little electric car drag racing.

Have you ever wanted to make your own prototype. Perhaps you have just come up with a sweet new tracking device for solar panels, a new wind turbine pole design, or a new wave power device. Well now you can whip it right up, so long as you don’t mind it being made out of sugar. Check out this rapid prototyping machine and peep the DIY instructions to make your own.

China’s new renewable energy laws are doing good things for Chinese renewable energy. Hint hint America.

These students designs have made the world a better place.

Financing solar panels to lower the cost of your electric bill, seems like an interesting idea.

South Korea is starting construction on a massive solar project, and GE is set to double investment in clean technology. This make perfect sense considering the massive growth in the renewable energy market.

Spain, a leader in renewable energy technology, recently came out with some new laws regarding said renewable energy.

North Carolina also just passed some renewable energy legislation,

Want to look cool, help the environment, and get to work on time? You need a solar powered motor bike.

Think global warming wont affect you? Think again, some estimates show that global warming will produce a billion refugees. With that many displaced people the global economy could collapse, which would most assuredly effect you and me and everyone else on the planet. Serious business for sure.

Why have carbon neutral fuels, when you can have carbon NEGATIVE fuels instead.

CitiGroup (the bastards that I owe a bunch of student loans to) have decided to placate me by investing 50 billion dollars in an effort to stop global warming. I guess it’s a good first step towards repairing our relationship.

I have covered ocean acidification before, well now it seems it is starting to affect the food we eat.

Speaking of meat eating, this poultry house is now solar powered.

A mega roundup for sure. Do you have something you think should be highlighted here? Drop us a line and let us know.