Picking A Candidate

So its that time again, and with word that many states will be moving their primary up, maybe even into December of this year (!) its time to start figuring out which candidate most matches you as a voter. With that in mind I have collected some tools for you to use. I tend to be a pretty strong couple issue voter, for instance if you don’t have a strong stance on the environment, renewable energy, and global warming you wont get my vote. For issue voters like myself charts can be helpful like this doozy here.

candidate chart

See the interactive version here.

You could also try some online tools like this one, it told me I should be voting for Kucinich, which I did last time, at least for the primary. Guess that puts me in the “radical liberal” end of the Democratic party.

Kucinich 63
No Child Left Behind

Gravel 47
(you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Clinton 35
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran – Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 34
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran – Military Action

Edwards 31
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran – Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Richardson 30
Death Penalty, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran – Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Obama 29
Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Biden 25
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Paul 0
McCain -16
Thompson -25
Cox -28
Brownback -32
Huckabee -34
Giuliani -40
Tancredo -55
Romney -56
Hunter -58

Me and the republicans are pretty far apart on how we see the world. It is a shame really, because we are going to need a lot of people in Washington with the ability to see eye to eye on important things that effect us all like global warming. If the environment is as important an issue to you as it is to me you should check out this nifty site. It will give you a run down on candidates views on global warming. Rather shocking that some candidates don’t really think of this as a serious issue. I would say that climate change has already killed more people and cost us more money than terrorists could even hope to, and promises to inflict so much more damage. Our next leader MUST be strong on the environment.

With our current presidents approval ratings in the dump it might be worthwhile to take a look back to inform us of how to move forward. The wall street journal has a pretty good lineup of past presidential performance. Here is a taste, read the rest here.




That should get you started down the road towards figuring out who to vote for. You should also go to each candidates website, see if you can see them speak publicly, watch the debates, and maybe even call them or write them. This might seem like a lot of work, but it is in fact your duty as a citizen of this fine country to be educated about the people you vote for. Slaping a flag magnet on your car trunk and voting for the person you would most want to have a drink with is not only foolish, it is unpatriotic. Freedom isn’t free, it comes with some responsibilities. Making an informed vote being one of the biggest. Think of it this way, the 5 or so hours you spend on figuring out who to vote for might save you from 4 years of regret. Is there anyone out there that already knows who they want to vote for? If so who do you think would make the best leader of this nation? Leave a comment with your pick for 2008.