House Passes Climate Change Bill

Sure it wasn’t perfect, and sure it wasn’t aggressive enough, but The House of Representatives has just passed a landmark bill that will propel our nation toward a clean energy future…if the Senate also passes it.

The vote was close. Know that all of your efforts — whether a signed petition, a donation, or a call — made a difference in the outcome. Together, we are truly showing the power of government by the people and for the people.

It’s not over though. The debate moves on to the Senate where our opponents will redouble their efforts. There will be more distortions and foot dragging, but the momentum is on our side. We must not only have the senate pass the bill but TOUGHEN IT. Call then now and tell them that they should be MORE AGGRESSIVE with the carbon reduction efforts, investment in green jobs, and new standards for efficiency.

Today, we have something to celebrate. For the first time in decades, we have taken bold action to help solve the climate crisis.

3 thoughts on “House Passes Climate Change Bill”

  1. I agree that the bill was flawed in many ways, but I am hoping the senate will toughen it up before it is passed, otherwise I may regret urging people to support it…

    Sometimes you have to roll the dice a bit if you want big change.

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